Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Halloween Paintings and Ideas

I was shocked to read Halloween is just 8 weeks away, because it will slip by so fast and I have a pile of ideas left over from last year.  HGTV posted some cute and pretty fast decorating ideas, and if you want to paint a Halloween painting I am sharing the ones I posted last fall which have some how-to information.  I am planning to make a nice Halloween still life with my trusty plastic skull, that will be coming in a few weeks.

This is a painting demo of two pumpkins backlit outdoors.  It is a nice fall painting because it hints strongly of Halloween but they are not Jack-o-Lanterns yet.  This is 12" x 16" oil on canvas.
This is our yard from last year, the ghosts were a last minute idea to make a backdrop.
They grow an enormous amount of pumpkins in Half Moon Bay, CA and this is a view looking into a bin of them on a foggy fall day.  This is a 12"x12" oil on canvas.