Friday, December 7, 2012

Christmas Ornament with Eggs

Christmas Ornament with Eggs
11"x14" oil painting ckm 2012

This is a little Portmerion bowl with two eggs and a red Christmas ornament side lit by a window on a very gray day.  The objects reference Christmas and Easter in an ambiguous way.  It became more highly realistic because I wanted the reflections to be precise and there was no way around that other than using the maul stick to support my hand out of the paint and going back in with glazes.  I'm not entirely sure it is finished because realism is a compulsive road to start on begging for repeat refining and an iterative approach to being done.  For now it is done enough.  I hope it inspires thought or painting something yourself, or both, enjoy!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christmas Holly

A quick study of variegated holly with two shiny ornaments for Christmas.  A bit more impressionistic than usual.  I planted the holly topiary tree a few months ago to be able to make a few snips for Christmas decorating.  It has been growing very slowly which made this little bit about all the plant could spare for a trim, and it is quite spikey so all those red tips you see are sharp and need to be avoided.